You may be wondering how to sleep after a hair transplant. This is a common question for those considering a hair transplant procedure. After a hair transplant, your hair follicles are delicate for a few days (at least the first 2 to 3 days), so it is essential to sleep properly after a hair transplant surgery. It is important to avoid damaging the transplanted hair while you are asleep.

In this article, you will find some tips on how to sleep after a hair transplant, the best sleeping position, and how long it will take you to return to your normal sleeping state.

When can you sleep normally after a hair transplant?

man sleeping after hair transplant

Immediately after hair transplantation, on days 0-3, it is better to sleep with your back at a significant angle. Then, as the days go by, you can sleep on your side. Little by little, the condition will stabilize and you can sleep normally in any position.

About a week after the operation, you can sleep almost without any discomfort. But it is important to avoid putting too much pressure on the hair strands, as this can damage them. It is best to avoid sleeping on your back (face down) for about two weeks after the procedure.

Sleep after a hair transplant: Do’s and Don’ts

  1. It is recommended that you sleep with your head up for the first few days after the hair transplant.
  2. Use extra pillows to elevate your head. You can try sleeping with a travel pillow around your neck to support your head forward and up. Sleeping in this way can reduce the risk of damage to the area where you had the transplant by reducing inflammation in the scalp.
  3. Sleep on your back. The best way to sleep after a hair transplant is to sleep on your back, with your head elevated above the heart position. This position prevents head movements during sleep.
  4. Avoid sleeping on synthetic or cotton pillowcases. These materials can cause friction that can damage the hair follicles. It is advisable to sleep on satin or silk pillowcases, which are smooth and soft.
  5. Be careful with hygiene. Avoid using cleaning detergents that may cause itching or an allergic reaction on the scalp. The main thing is to avoid scratching the head during the recovery period.
  6. Keep a soft, dark towel over your pillow. After surgery, the scalp may have fluid during the healing process. The towel will help keep the pillowcases from getting stained during the healing process.

The most frequently asked questions about sleeping after a hair transplant

  1. Can I sleep in my position after the hair transplant?

Sleeping on your side may not be ideal right after a hair transplant, as it can put pressure on the transplanted area. It is recommended to sleep on your back to avoid any unnecessary contact.

  1. How long should I sleep in an elevated position?

It is advisable to aim to sleep in an elevated position for the first few nights after the transplant, as advised by your doctor. This helps in normal blood circulation and helps to heal faster.

  1. Can I cover my head while sleeping?

Some people sleep with their heads covered at night. It is best to avoid covering the head too tightly while sleeping to allow the scalp to breathe.

  1. When can I go back to my normal sleep pattern?

You can gradually return to your normal sleep patterns as the scalp heals. Consult your surgeon for guidance on when it is safe to do this.

  1. Is it OK to use sleep supplements?

It is advisable to consult your doctor before using any sleep supplement. Some medications can affect the healing process.